Oven Loaders, Unloaders, Groupers
In addition to our tunnel baking ovens, we offer the most up to date oven loader and unloader designs, based on the type of bakery product handling desired. We suggest the design by evaluating the customers’ pan designs, configurations and, most importantly, the age and condition of the pans. We also keep in mind that in many cases the customers purchase used pans that may not be in the best condition. T&T strives to select the best design that will deliver the most consistent pan and product oven loading and unloading without creating jam ups.
All oven loaders and unloaders are made of stainless steel welded and bolted frame construction, designed with sanitary and low maintenance in mind.
Our design allows for easy maintenance and flexibility by providing for easy removal of the loader or unloader from the baking oven for oven maintenance.
Our engineers design these new loaders for: strap pans, bun baking pans, peel boards, and combination pan and board.
T&T can retrofit older tunnel ovens with new loaders and unloaders.
T&T also offers groupers designed for pans or boards, for manual loading or closed loop fully automated baking systems.
To offer maximum versatility to our customers, T&T builds specially designed combination oven loaders for peel boards and bakery pans.
T&T‘s recommended peel board type for these automations is the non-warping plastic board.
See Our Videos Below Illustrating Loader and Unloader Designs
Contact Us for Your
Bakery Automation Needs
Main Office
East Dundee, IL 60118
FAX +1 (847) 288-9709